Re: Please Explain ....why your pissed at the neighbors..

from: Mrs. Walmartinezzz

Gotta coupla hours? Where do I start? Back in December last YEAR, their hounds starting tearing boards off the adjoining fence. The idiots that own the place shoved all kinds a shit into the spots where the boards should have been ~ lawnmowers, kid's swimming pool, 2 closet doors, rocks, various other household items. Dogs came right thru all that. This went on for 2 months. Our dogs didn't go anywhere near their yard. Their dogs came here ~ hey, they just wanted to play. It ain't their fault.

It's the owner's fuckin' responsibility, right? Have we been wrong here? So, we buy a chain link ~ spend almost $600. They wanted the privacy fence back, I guess so the dogs could chew off more boards. So, to compensate for the lace (lattice?) fence that WAS there, they built a vertical one. All thru this time, cops were called, animal control was here, and we bought a BB gun ~ weeeeeell, that scared the shit out of 'em ~ whoo that's a scary gun, man. They've got 2 little punkass kids. Momma bear decided on the new vertical fence I'm sure, as it was constructed within 24 hours of us going out and "shooting lone star beer cans" ~

Take us to now. 6 months later. All's quiet on the Walmartinezzz Range. Mr. W walks to the mailbox one day, and Mr. Mouth with the chewed up fence decides to stand in his yard and say shit like "c'mon fucker, etc." Mr. W ignored it. We decided to "patrol" by their house upon coming & going from ours ~ instead of going right out of the neighborhood, we went left, which is right by the front of their house. You can prolly garner by now that their back yard backs up to ours.

This was about 2 weeks ago. Last week, Mr. W. went again, DICKWAD starts his mouth ~ W says nothing. Then, just this Tuesday, the dogs have torn boards off the NEW 6-month old verticle fence sometime during the night. Our chain link is there, but that wouldn't keep their yaps from digging. Meantime, we've also been fighting rattlers, so we don't go into the yard without the hoe & the BB gun. They are working on the latest destruction, cussing up a storm, telling thier little kid they were gonna sell her if she didn't get inside. Fucking Asshole.

I decide to go out there with my dogs on Tuesday, all that's between any of us now is the chain link. I take the BB gun, they called the cops and this time I was told ~ 6 months later that I CANNOT shoot my BB gun within city limits ~! WUUUhhh Huh? But 6 months ago it was ok. DICKWAD had called the cops, told him I was out in the backyard POINTING the gun at him. Cops didn't believe him. I was all caaaaaalm and shit. Ya'll woulda been proud.

I just got a verbal warning not to use the BB gun anymore, which means Mr. W can't either and that blows.

So THIS MORNING ~ their dogs have torn thru to the OTHER neighbors side, and are mingling with THEIR 2 dogs. Ours are terrified and barking as usual. PPX ~ your little niece & nephew are OK. So grumpy other neighbor doesn't' really do much about it either today. We just laughed and laughed. Now it's them, instead of us AGAIN. Sing with me now ~

See, aren't you glad you asked? Thanks for your concern ~ any advice would be helpful.



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