Its Inez Newton
from Eve Unbound


Eve Unbound is a band from San Antonio, Texas.

Inez Newton is the main singer and writer, but there are several good musicians contributing in there, two of them being Go-Go Hartwell & Val Cronk.

Inez is my friend, she's not afraid of Popeye-X, or even remotely hung-up about any aspect of the Great Master Plan In General, and this I attribute to the fact she's smart, and she's a "downtown artist who's cool", as described by Mr. Bluz. I'm sure, if you're an artist who lives in downtown San Antonio, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Eve Unbound is an incredibly complex tapestry that is waiting to be unraveled and digested, note by note. I think you got about 3 different CD's out, right, Inez? is the site. Check it out, Inez is constantly writing something, usually about 15 or 20 things.

They should give her a cell right next to PPX's, over by the Demerol Pump with the special IV nozzle.

Inez, you need to check out Demi Monde Thraam at Dig in deep, its a mind blower what that one Rivet-Head Bitch has turned out in the past few years. She's from SF, too. I smelled it immediately.

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